Sunday, January 26, 2020

How To Earn Money From Amazon | Tips, and Tricks:

Today I’m going to share somehow to make income with amazon associate marketing. So Amazon has its own associate program that can support any product on amazon and earn a commission by promoting it. So amazon's affiliate program is called amazon associates which is a 100% free to link and like I said you can make a commission from any product and they have this associate program for each only one of Amazon's marketplaces. They have one for which is within the United States. They have one for if you want to sell and promote products inside The United Kingdom. They have it forward within Canada. Just do a Google search for Amazon Associates or Amazon affiliate program or just go to slash associate. It's not linked to some of them below for you but you can promote any product on Amazon and that's a great thing for affiliate marketing.

How To Earn Money From Amazon | Tips and Tricks

Amazon Affiliate Tips:

Now there are ways that you can do this that honestly are not that profitable and there's a way of going about it which is not that effective like I'll share with you guys how I make money with Amazon affiliate marketing but the money that I make from it is really insignificant compared to other affiliate programs and products that you can promote. So I'll share a few the right way an effective way of actually making money through amazon's affiliate program.

Now some of the pros the biggest one, of course, is that you can promote any product which is very cool because guess how many products are available on Amazon millions of them and you can promote any single one that you want. So that's pretty cool because a lot of the companies and the brands might not have their own private affiliate program. If they don't even buy that blender you link to but they buy someone else's products and a variety of different things. They fill up their shopping cart and they check out and purchase that within 24 hours. You actually make the Commission and on all of those products right so not just the one you link to you but any of them that they buy within24 hours. 

Now, this is a great thing because most people when they go to Amazon, they don't buy just one product right they shop around, they add up a few things in their shopping cart and they usually check out and buy a few different products. So you can increase the overall Commission you're getting because of that and that's a really cool thing. I think another very important thing and valuable is the trust that Amazon has. I mean I remember years and years ago like10 years ago and even beyond that when people selling online and everything and having people buy products, people were very skeptical right. They're like afraid of buying something from someone that they didn't know. Maybe I'm going to get scammed or ripped off and for the most part, you know.

How To Earn Money From Amazon | Tips and Tricks

How To Earn Money From Amazon | Tips, and Tricks: Today I’m going to share somehow to make income with amazon associate marketing. So...

Friday, January 24, 2020

Exclusive Package Tutorial
Amazon Affiliate Website

Module # 1 - Introduction to the Amazon Affiliate Program & Registration Process As Affiliate Agent

In module 1, I will briefly discuss your introduction to the Amazon affiliate program. Some of the issues that are being touched on:
  • Advantages of Amazon affiliate programs.
  • How Amazon's revenue generation process works.
  • Preview the Amazon affiliate program.

Module # 2 - How to Make Profitable Product Category Selection

In this module, I will discuss the following issues:

First part
  • What product categories should be avoided from your selection.
  • Which categories of products have the potential to be profitable.
  • How to define a "filter" based on 1 key criterion in selecting a product category.

Part Two
  • 3 PRINCIPAL & IMPORTANT criteria to use when choosing a category that has the highest potential for sale.
  • The process of choosing between the most profitable sub-categories within the same category.

Part Three
  • How to make sure the product category you want to select has a "demand" from internet users.
  • Process keyword (keyword) product category review using Google Keyword Tool and Samurai Market Software.
  • Choosing keywords that are considered "gold" is potentially advantageous.

Module # 3 - How To Choose The Best Product And The Potential For Sale

In module 3, we will see:
  • The process of choosing a product that has the potential to sell easily.
  • How to identify quality products.
  • Tricks to understand the product information provided.
  • The main tips in making the best product selection are among the best.
Module # 4 - How To Make High-Value Domain Names Selected
In module 4, I will Share with you the following:

Part 1
  • The process of selecting a suitable domain name is of high value.
  • Prohibit the registration of new domain names.
  • Additional useful keyword (keyword) tips for domain name registration.
Amazon Associate Tips and Tricks 2 | Amazon Affiliate

Module # 5 - How To Install Wordpress System Installation

In module 5, I will show you a quick look at how Wordpress system installation can be done using the control panel hosting account used.

The installation will use the "pre-installed script" functionality provided by most of the subscribed hosting account service providers.

One of the issues that should be addressed is in terms of setting the database information that will be used for the Wordpress system.

Module # 6 - Implement Wordpress Basic Configuration

In module 6, I will walk you through the basic configuration of the installed Wordpress system.

This configuration involves things like time and time settings on the system as well as tips on using certain functions that exist in the Wordpress system.

One of the interesting issues that this module address is the use of link configurations that can help improve Amazon's affiliate web rankings on search engines.

Module # 7 - Installation and Configuration 7 Key Plugins That Will Help Your Amazon Affiliate Web

Through this module 7, I will unveil the 7 uses of Wordpress plugin that will help you to:

  • Enhances security features of Wordpress systems installed to prevent websites from being hacked.
  • Set up the configuration so that the Wordpress system automatically performs the update process.
  • Make it easy for you to manage your Amazon affiliate links.
  • Make it easy for you to enter promotional products for Amazon products.
  • Increase the marketing potential of Amazon products on your website.

Module # 8 - Updating Your Amazon Affiliate Website Pages and Views

In module 8, I will guide you through the beauty of the Amazon affiliate website that will be built through:

Part 1
  • How to change the Wordpress template you are using.
  • Get to know the features of good Wordpress templates.

Part 2
  • We will see what are the useless parts of the Wordpress the view that should be removed from the display.
  • How you can add certain widgets to your Amazon affiliate website view.

Module # 9 - How To Generate Amazon Product Reviews Into Wordpress Post

In this module 9, I will Share with you the following:

Part 1
  • How to set up a "review article" that needs to be included on your Amazon affiliate website.
  • What are the things that need to be included in the article to be provided?
  • How to find useful information and content related to the product from the Amazon website.

Part 2
  • How to prepare an interesting review article based on the product information obtained.
  • Methods for "hiring" someone else who specializes in providing the articles you need

Module # 10 - How To Get and Insert Amazon Affiliate Links On Your Web

In this module 10, I will share with you how to get your affiliate link to include on your Amazon affiliate website.
  • How to get your affiliate link through 4 methods.
  • How to use one of the PREMIUM plugins called Amazon Affiliate Link Generator shared in module 7 to automatically generate your affiliate links from the Wordpress system admin panel only.
  • Tips to include affiliate links in Amazon product review articles.

Module # 11 - How To Put Product-Related Images On Your Web

Through this module 11, I'll show you about:
  • 3 ways to choose a picture from Amazon website and insert it into your site.
  • How to use one of the PREMIUM plugins called Amazon Affiliate Link Generator shared in module 7 to automatically get images that are included with your affiliate links from the WordPress admin the system only panel.
  • Tips to include pictures in Amazon product review articles.

Module # 12 - How To Add Videos From YouTube To Your Web

In this module 12, I'll Share with you about:
  • Method for finding videos that are relevant to the Amazon product being promoted.
  • Methods for including videos in the content of the review articles provided.

Module # 13 - How to Use the Advertising Widget Provided by Amazon Parties

In this module 13, I will share with you the following:
  • How to use the advertising widget provided by Amazon.
  • How to choose the appropriate advertising widget for your Amazon affiliate website.
  • How to use a special plugin described in module 7 as an additional widget on your affiliate website.

Module # 14 - Tips - Additional Tips to Increase Your Amazon Affiliate Web Potential

In this 14th module, I'll share what steps you can take to increase the sales potential of Amazon products from your website through:
  • How to insert a "Buy From Amazon" button using the special plugin described in module 7.
  • How to set up "discount" search products for Amazon products from your site using the PREMIUM plugin called Amazon Discount Finder that I provide.
  • How to display additional products in each review article using a special plugin shared in module 7.
  • How to provide a "directory" of selected product categories on the Wordpress page.

Module # 15 - The Most Important Things to Consider in Amazon Product Marketing

In this module 15, I will share with you the following issues:
  • What is a list of products that will NOT give any commission if sold even through your affiliate link.
  • What could cause your Amazon account to be banned?
  • What are the precautions you should take on your Amazon website to avoid being sued by anyone.

Now You Can Build Your Own Amazon Affiliate Website Without The Need To Hire Others…

Amazon Associate Tips and Tricks 2 | Amazon Affiliate

Exclusive Package Tutorial Amazon Affiliate Website Module # 1  - Introduction to the Amazon Affiliate Program & Registration Proc...

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Want to do business on the internet but no products to sell?

“Follow Steps 1-2-3 Only By Implementing The Techniques Below To Build Your First Amazon Affiliate Website Network Empire!

... Don't Be Afraid If After Following My Partnership, You Can Receive First Earnings in US Dollar Currency! ”

" Hmm, .. I want to do business on the internet, but no products to sell ... how? "
" I want to do internet business, but I don't want to lose customer support ... "
" What are some of the forms of internet business that I can create and live but still produce? "
" I can only spend 1 - 2 hours a day doing internet business "

Amazon Associate Tips and Tricks | Amazon Affiliate

Do you have the same "issues" or "issues" as the situation above? You want to "do business" on the internet, but due to many obstacles, your dreams may be thwarted ... or they may have been thwarted.

Do not give up!

From this point on, you no longer have to let your dream of growing a business on the internet go away. This is because I'm going to figure out a way you can work to build your internet business empire from now on!

One of the branches of earning money on the internet is to become a marketing agent for companies that have been and are doing business online. On the internet, there are many large companies offering "joint ventures" that you can run without the expense of high start-up capital.

One of these is to become a "marketing agent" for one of the largest companies on the internet,, Inc.

You Can Become An Amazon Marketing Agent For FREE And Receive Commissions From 4% To 10%!

Amazon is one of the largest online sales sites on the internet that sells thousands of products in a variety of categories.

By becoming an Amazon marketing agent ( better known as Amazon Associates / Affiliate ), you have the opportunity to promote any of the products on their website to earn commissions for every sale you make.
For example, if you successfully generate sales of products worth USD100.00 and receive a commission of about 4% ( minimum sample count ), then the total commission you receive is $ 4.00 which is equivalent to RM12.00.

That's just ONE sale for ONE type of product only! There are thousands of products that you can promote on the Amazon website and receive a wide range of commission rates from as low as commission up to tens of US Dollars for one sale.

All Your Commission Results Will Be Paid By The
Foreign Currency Of The Amazon Dollar!

The interesting thing about becoming an Amazon marketing agency is that you receive commissions in the form of foreign currency payments such as the US Dollar. Amazon will make your payment by check and you can deposit the Amazon Check in any local bank account you use.

So if your accumulated commission is USD300.00 a month, then this means you will receive a deposit of about RM1000.00 in your bank account!

Isn't it interesting?

Yes, it's definitely interesting. :-)

However, the most common problem when looking to sign up for an Amazon marketing agency is that most users don't know how to build a page. One of the "requirements" to become an Amazon marketing agency is that you need to own a website.

This has led users to become Amazon marketing agents even though this opportunity is FREE! Due to the lack of skills in developing this site as well, many new Amazon marketing agents eventually "give up" and abandon their desire to promote.

This is because in order to achieve "potential success" in selling products from Amazon, you need to develop a special website for those products.

The more "specific" a website is for the product to be promoted, the more likely you are to generate sales for that product.

However, due to the lack of skills to develop the website, many have decided to forget about their desire to do business on the internet.

What if you have more than 1 the product you want to promote? So, of course, the cost you have to spend to realize your dream!

So to reduce your startup costs, the last step you need to take is to develop an Amazon affiliate website with your own hands ...

Therefore, allow me to ...

Introducing ...

Exclusive Package Tutorial
Amazon Affiliate Website...

For More Details Stay Tuned with us at

Amazon Associate Tips and Tricks | Amazon Affiliate

Want to do business on the internet but no products to sell? “Follow Steps 1-2-3 Only By Implementing The Techniques Below To Build Yo...


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